Monday, September 20, 2010

Function to retrive the value of a given field form the given table depending on specified criteria

/// This function is used to retrive the value of a given field form the given table depending on specified criteria

/// Value to retied
/// Table from which values is to retived
/// filter criteria
/// Given field vale
public string getValue(String FieldName, String TableName, String WhereClause)
String SQL;

if (FieldName != string.Empty && FieldName != null && FieldName != "")
if (TableName != string.Empty && TableName != null && TableName != "")
if (WhereClause != string.Empty && WhereClause != null && WhereClause != "")
SQL = "Select " + FieldName + " From " + TableName + " Where " + WhereClause;

Con = Myconn.CreateConn();
Da = new MySqlDataAdapter(SQL, Con);
DS = new DataSet();

return DS.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();

catch (Exception)
return "";
return "";
return "";
return "";

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